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I have always had a fascination for social media and their influence on our body/way of thinking. They make us feel vulnerable and just a few people use this platform trying to remain true to themselves.

Youtube is probably one of the most interesting social medias nowadays - and personally my weak spot - so that is why I was happy when we chose this platform as our Queering Space.

CAROLINA's corner

How can someone become easily addicted?
Article about "Understanding the Youtube Rabbit Hole"
That is my first sketch for the individual mapping: a Youtube Lasagna!

Why a lasagna? First of all, because it sounds delicious. Second of all, because I want to understand better how the different layers of this platform work, from the physical device and all kinds of marketing strategies to the personal experience.

My intention is to make this lasagna interactive or easy to read in order to let the reader immerge into the layers - for example by giving the possibility to click on a layer and explore or guide them through animations (click, scroll, zoom, pop-up notification, hovering).

As you can see in the sketch, the layers are:

- AI _ what manipulates the user and how
- Interface Design _ how the design plays in the marketing strategy
- Content _ not sure about including this one
- Personal experience
- Device _ projection of the personal experience in different spaces

however, it might be too much at once?
This is a deconstruction of the Youtube space in different folders, each one containing one element of the platform. Once the folder is opened, inside you can find unwritten rules of the Youtube algorithm.
I decided to map the context of the Youtube space by comparing the first version of the website when it first launched in 2005 with the latest version from 2020.

It was interesting to find out how the initial goal of Youtube and the content was so much different from how we view and live the platform today - as well as the typical 2000's design.

The logo stayed the same. The login procedure was manual while now it is automated - autologin.

The type changed to a combination of Roboto with Youtube Sans, a font created by Saffron.
Youtube Wiki
Here is my "ex" daily routine while I binge watch YouTube in my room and falling into the rabbit hole.

From morning till evening, time gets distorted while scrolling down for new content that could keep me company but drain me of my energy at the same time.

I usually use Youtube on my phone while being on my bed because my addiction makes me vulnerable and I do not feel comfortable by browsing in public.

I also use Youtube to fall asleep, and sometimes I wake up with earphones still on.
- scroll down -
[Click here for the first Group work and research + feedback sessions notes]